Date: Oct 2011 – Jun 2013
Project Summary :
Weldtech Oilfield Services was contracted by SLC (SAIPEM LEIGHTON CONSORTIUM) in 2011 to provide an experienced team of tradesmen to engage in a barge conversion project in Dampier. The project consisted of a number of jobs ranging from installing handrails throughout the barge to the installation of an entire seawall and false floor to the perimeter of the Westsea 5.
This scope of work was to prevent damage to the main deck of the Vessel whilst rock was loaded onboard and shipped to Barrow Island for the Jetty Structure Caisson installation. The perimeter seawalls also prevented rock from spilling over the side of the vessel.
Not long after the Westsea 5 was completed. Weldtech Oilfield Services was then awarded another (X2) barges by SLC, the Westsea 127/129 to undergo the same scope of work with extra jobs including installation of ‘A’ Frames Bollards and other Marine equipment.
Following this Weldtech Oilfield Services commenced a full time supporting role for all barges and vessels coming into Dampier at both the MOF (Module Offloading Facility) and the BMF (Bulk Materials Facility) for SLC. Weldtech Oilfield Services established a site workshop facility to support all of SLC’s Marine works over the next 12 months.

The work scope included:
- General repairs to all barges and vessels both alongside on moring near shore.
- Installation of access ways and handrails to barges and vessels.
- Installation and welding of seafastening arrangements for earth moving equipment and other portable components going to Barrow Island.
- Installation of Anchor Winches and foundations.
- Installation and modifications to crawler ramps for cranes and earth moving equipment to enter the vessels.
- Demobilization of vessels equipment and deck grillage to barges coming into the BM